Woman's Eye Health Check by Doctor

Do I Really Need To See A Dry Eye Specialist?

Have you ever experienced discomfort, irritation, or a scratchy sensation in your eyes? Do you find yourself frequently rubbing your eyes or blinking excessively throughout the day? If so, you may be suffering from a common condition known as dry eye. Dry eye occurs when your eyes do not produce enough tears, or when the quality of your tears is not adequate to keep your eyes lubricated and healthy.

Our tear film is made up of three layers: the oily layer, the watery layer and the mucous layer. Most people who suffer, have Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, this is an issue with the glands in the oily layer not working as they should. The condition can be quite uncomfortable and may include some of the following symptoms: dry eyes, red eyes, gritty eyes, sensitivity to light, unclear vision, watery eyes, or tired eyes.

It is estimated that between 16 million and 49 million Americans suffered from dry eyes in 2018. This is a massive 5-15% of the population. This number is expected to climb significantly in 2022 being more prevalent in people over the age of 50. The amount spent on treating dry eyes is in the billions and is rising.1

For those who suffer from dry eyes, continuing with daily life can be highly frustrating. Not only are they in discomfort but often they just can’t see properly and therefore can’t perform daily tasks such as reading or driving with ease.

Dry eye discomfort is not a necessary evil – 

Finding the right solution is critical. There are many home remedies such as warm compresses and over the counter eye drops that may relieve mild cases of dry eye disease. Changing daily routines such as avoiding smokey rooms or dry climates may help. Some people add a humidifier to their home or workspace to keep the air moist and prevent their eyes from drying out. Others try to reduce screen time: limiting their time in front of digital screens and take regular breaks to rest their eyes.

Still, many people will continue to suffer. They may want to find a different treatment, either because what they are already trying is not working for them or because compresses and eyedrops are only temporary solutions that will relieve the signs but they do not treat the cause of the problem.

Paradigm shift in dry eye treatment – discover OptiLIGHT!

If you’re suffering from dry eye, this might be a good time to deal with the root cause of dry eyes, the inflammation, and try OptiLIGHT by Lumenis. This only FDA-approved light therapy by Lumenis uses precise pulses of light to reduce the inflammation that is typically associated with dry eye disease.  OptiLIGHT is a non-invasive treatment performed in the area below the eyes to manage dry eyes. It provides an effective and safe treatment that disrupts the cycle of inflammation associated with dry eye. OptiLIGHT is safe, gentle and effective and it is clinically validated to reduce signs of dry eye; improve tear in break up time and restore functionality of meibomian glands.2
And there’s a bonus! With a treatment schedule of just four sessions, each lasting approximately 15 minutes, it is easy to incorporate into your busy lifestyle.
If you’re tired of dealing with dry eyes and want to get to the root of the problem, consider consulting with your doctor or finding a dry eye clinic that offers OptiLIGHT therapy. This treatment can provide both immediate and long-term benefits,3 allowing you to finally find relief from dry eye signs.

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